How to Start the Design Process

Since when does anyone know exactly what they want right from the get go?! We know it is easier said than done, so here are some quick tips on how to design your new space and have fun doing it!

1. Start with ideas of what you like and don’t like– To get an idea of how you want your space to look check out other offices in your area (optical as well as non-optical spaces like retail), flip through magazines, or browse company websites (especially the Ennco Client Portfolio)
2. Be open to new ideas– The great thing about having an experienced designer at your side is… they have all kinds of ideas and could do this with their eyes closed! Although it might be hard, be open to what they have to say even if it is outside of your (cozy and warm) comfort zone.
3. Discuss the bottom line– Be prepared to discuss your budget. All too often unrealistic budgets can hamper great potential projects. We understand nobody likes to discuss the finances of design, but doing so will save you tons of time!
4. Take the plunge– Give your design team the green light on your office plan! If you need to first give them the yellow light that’s ok too… baby steps! The team will create a visual 3D model for you to fall in love with- if it’s not love at first sight don’t fret, changes can be made to make it a perfect match.

5. Practice Communication– The 3D model is a great way to see the many different store fixtures styles and colors that will create the overall feel to your space. Be honest and open with your designer, this will allow the design process to move smoothly and more efficiently.

Well now you know…these 5 steps are easy to follow and will ensure you are successful when creating your new space. Of course there is always the option of telling your designer to take the lead and just show you the final product!

Happy Designing!

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