Customer Testimonials

Optical Space Design & Display Testimonials

Hear from some of the optical practices and retail shops that have trusted Ennco when it comes to optical design services, remodels and eyeglass and sunglass displays for their spaces! From storage, cabinetry and desks, to countertop and mounted wall displays - we think about every part of your optical space!


Dr. Grady Hollenbeck | Advanced Eyecare of Convington

View this video to hear Dr. Hollenbeck’s personal testimonial of his experience working with Ennco.

And for more on Dr. Hollenbeck’s space click here to go to our customer portfolio page! 




Dr. Michael Chow | West Seattle Vision & Lake Union Vision Clinic

"Although it was not planned that way, when it came to opening two new offices within a few months of each other, the team at Ennco Display Group made it happen without any major hiccups or delays. They worked with us to design the "look" we envisioned for each office. West Seattle Vision has a modern contemporary look that is inviting to a friendly neighborhood, while Lake Union Vision has the modern industrial feel for the young urban demographic that we are part of. We are extremely happy with the results, and are ecstatic with the final product that the Ennco team came up with! They were able to design a great functional floor plan for each office that ensured a clean and usable workflow, despite having to work around existing structural columns and obstacles. Ennco made sure we did not forget any of the little details, like making sure drawers are large enough to hold your trial lenses or having outlets high enough so you don't have the dangling power cord! Not that we will be planning any future projects, but if we were, we would definitely use Ennco again."

For more on Dr. Chow’s spaces West Seattle Vision and Lake Union Vision click on the links for each space!




Dr. Jason Sifrit | Cascade Vision Center

View thie video to hear Dr. Sifrit’s personal testimonial of his experience working with Ennco.

For more on Dr. Sifrit’s space Cascade Vision Center click here!




Dr. Mary Jane Healey | Healey Vision Center

"I originally chose the Ennco Display Group because I love to support local businesses. I was even more excited that they offered the Total Package for the complete redesign of my space. Ennco’s close proximity made it easy to stop by to go over any design changes and see the progress first hand. The team is very pleasant to work with and they really listen to your desires and requirements. I was able to show them pictures and design concepts that they used to create a fantastic and customized finished product that matched my personal taste and style. The Ennco Display Group truly transformed my office with its very unique space constraints into a beautiful as well as functional clinic. Thank you to the whole Ennco team in making this project a huge success!"

For more on Dr. Healey’s space click here!


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