Comparing Wall Displays vs Countertop Displays

Comparing Display Types: Advantages and Disadvantages of Wall Display vs. Countertop Displays

Optical merchandising comes with some of the same challenges that apparel retailers face.  Clothing and eyewear can be on wallscounters or even freestanding.  The choice is often driven by traffic patterns of customers and by the quantities of product that need to be shown in the available space.  Additionally, the choice is sometimes driven by the type of presentation desired based on the brand or value of the product.

Wall displays tend to allow for a larger quantity of merchandise to be shown. It is also typically a more cost-effective method for frame security since counters don’t have many ways to horizontally secure the merchandise (except for our Sentry Countertop peg).  Wall displays can easily allow for segmentation of products by gender, age, brand, and price points.  Signage can easily be associated with the displays that are wall mounted or mounted to the interior of cabinets or panels.  While wall displays have these advantages, they also come with some disadvantages. 

Most wall mounted displays are “product static” in nature.  This means that for a certain length of wall display there are a specific number of frames displayed. This causes the merchandising look of “sameness”.  If one frame sells and another does not immediately replace it, the display looks askew.  In addition, the vertical orientation of the displays gives a very regimented look that some people consider boring.

Counter (or shelf) displays allow for single or multiple frame display depending on the distance between the counter and shelves.  The single biggest drawback for counter display is the cleaning of the counter or shelves.  If you live in a dusty area like Arizona, it will feel like you spend more time cleaning than selling.  Shelf displays also tend to reduce the overall frame count within the retail environment.  This is very conducive to “boutique” style sales since the client approach is more high touch with less browsing through thousands of frames in the hopes of finding one that doesn’t look like fifteen others you have just viewed.  With the advent of LED lighting for the interior of shelf units, it is allowing for a much higher level of display on these horizontal shelves than was ever available in the past.  Whether the frames are sitting on the shelf or placed on angular or vertical counter displays, there is a definite trend in higher end retail to use counter/shelf displays now more than ever.

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