Shelf Packages for Eyewear Display

Store fixturing is much like clothing styles!...The methods change about every seven years.

Frames held by wires, pegs, rods, vacuum formed panels and glass shelves have all been part of the changing style of display.  Shelving is back in vogue as more “Point of Purchase” and “Counter Type” displays have been made available to the industry.

Our new panel shelving systems are designed to give you maximum flexibility whether you desire to show frames “Flat” or “Elevated” on counter displays.  Since all shelves are not created equal, we designed some for use with counter displays and POP.  Our Tray Elegante, Showoff and Angler displays are perfectly suited to maximize the number of frames shown on deeper 10” shelves.  For the more “boutique look”, more shelves are desired in a tighter array.  This tends to focus more attention on a single frame at a time, requires a shallower profile of glass and less visible hardware.

The introduction of our Cove and Mirage Shelving systems gives you the flexibility to display your merchandise whichever way suits your taste and style.

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